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Free Video Transcription

Use our video transcription now. Online and free. Just drag & drop your file.
podcast transcription

Video Transcription Software

Want to create your video transcription easily and online in your browser? Just drag & drop your video file and get it for free. Super simple, fast & accurate. No need to pay for extra video transcription software or do it manually. 

Tired of typing out your video transcription manually? That's why we created our free, online video transcription software! Welder makes everything simple. Just drag & drop your video and watch as your transcript is magically generated.

Why is video transcription important?

Engage with audience

Repurpose your video into a blog

Having a blog for your videos massively boosts your reach and SEO. The repurposing process is super straightforward with our video transcription software.
Micro content

Highlight bits of your videos

Highlight interesting parts of your videos in the video transcription and use it for microcontent to post on your socials. 
Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Spotify

Subtitle your videos 

Export your video transcription as an .srt file and use it as subtitles for your video. 

How to get your video transcription?

Video transcription

Turn your video to text with our video transcription software. Just drag & drop your video file and get your video transcription in a matter of seconds.

Online and completely free.
Free Video Transcription
Fast podcast transcription

Fast and simple

It’s super simple and only takes a few seconds to generate your video transcription. No need to use robust tools like Trint or Otter AI to turn your video into text.

Super Accurate

Our free video transcription is accurate. Believe us, we tested this with our thick Slavic accents. 
Accurate podcast transcription
TXT from podcast

Export your video transcription

You can export your video transcription either as an .srt or .txt file. To edit for a blog, use for subtitles and to make your video way more searchable and accessible.


How can I get a transcript of a video?
Just drag & drop your video into our video transcription software and turn your video to text for free in just a matter of seconds. 
How do I transcribe a podcast?
Video transcription is an audio from your video turned into text form. You can use it for subtitling your video or repurpose it into a blog. It also makes your videos more accessible. 
What is the best video transcription software?
You could use something like Trint or Otter AI, however, we think these options are a bit too robust and expensive for just transcribing a simple video. With our free video transcription software you can just drag & drop your file and have it done in a few seconds.

More than just video transcription

Welder allows you to do much more than just video transcription. You can also record video podcasts remotely with guests in high quality and your videos get automatically transcribed. Try recording and transcribing your next video podcast with Welder.
Upload & transcribe your video for free
HQ recording from each participant
Works with any recording device
No installation
Most reliable online recorder
Take your content to FullHD (1080p) by using your phone as a webcam in a few simple steps.